Right of cancellation
You have the right to return your goods without reason within 14 days of purchase. Notification can be given in text form ( for example, E-Mail, letter, fax) or by simply sending the goods back to us. The stated period begins after receiving these instructions but not before you’ve received the goods or before we’Ve informed you according to Article 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 Section 1 & 2 EGBGB as well as our duties according to § 312e section 1 line 1 BGB in connection with Arcticle 246 § 3 EGBGB. Goods have to be sent back at the correct time!
Goods to be sent back to:
Leroi Jagd & Sport GmbH,
Am Schneckenhof 9,
74626 Bretzfeld - Geddelsbach,
Telefax (0 79 45) 91 15 25.
Result of cancellation
In the event of a valid return, the efforts by both parties are to be returned as well as interest if applicable. If you cannot fully or partially return the effort or you can only do this in a worse state, compensation has to be provided. This does not apply if it is clear that this could’ve been the case before the goods were sent. You could also avoid compensation by not using the goods as if they were your own which could influence its worth. Goods which can be sent by package are to be sent at our risk. You have to carry the costs if the delivered goods are correct and if the purchased total doesn’t exceed 40EUR or upon return, you have not yet paid for the goods. Otherwise, returning of goods is free for you as the customer. Goods which cannot be sent via package, will be collected by you. Payments which have to be paid back to you, have to be done within 30 days. For you, this period starts when you have sent the goods or have notified us about the return. For us, when we’ve received the goods.
End of cancellation policy